
UPSers is a portal launched by the UPS on the official website at to make the life of the UPSers employees easy. Some services provided by the UPSers portal are the following:

  • Employee Discount Plans
  • Handling the Direct Deposit Cheques
  • W-2 Form Management
  • Handling The Profit
  • UPS Stock Price
  • Latest Updates Regarding UPS
  • Holidays And Vacations

If you have received a UPS invoice within the last 45 days, you will need it to submit your UPS Tracking ID. This will be used to connect your UPS account with ShippingEasy. In case you haven’t received UPSers invoice, leave that field blank.

In order to get your UPS Control ID, download or use a UPS invoice on file from the last 45 days. It will be provided on the top right corner. Please note that it is NOT available on You can get more details about the UPSers invoice you got in the past 45 days.

UPSers Troubleshooting

It is possible, that you might face some common issues while accessing the UPSers. Though it is rare. This usually happens when you try to log in for the first time. If it is the case, please make sure that you submit the correct UPSers Login ID and UPSer Password.

In case you have forgotten your password, tap “Forgot Password”. Kindly provide your employee ID to reset your password.

If you forget your UPSer ID, don’t panic a bit and contact the Human Resources department. Please note that your UPSers Employee ID is the same as that of the UPSers Login ID.

Always make sure that JavaScript is enabled. Otherwise, your device’s website will not work properly and will disable uppercase letters. If you still face any issue, contact the UPSers Customer Support. They are efficient in solving your issues within minutes.